Monday, September 11, 2023

DIY Weaving Aids

Before I got started on the third dishtowel in my twill gamp, there were a couple of things I wanted to address to help me with my weaving. 

The first was a way to put my lever sequence in a convenient place. I write this out on a card to follow while I'm weaving. Previously, I laid the card on the table, but attaching it to the loom near the levers is much more helpful.

The second was a way to keep track of where I am in that sequence. 

This set of beads has holes from side to side (the others went top to bottom). And they fit on a 0000
double pointed knitting needle. The elastic holds it & the beads move easily when I change levers.

People often use numbered beads for the treadling sequence, but with direct tie-up and levers, I decided to number the sequence on my card and use the beads to correspond to that. 

Little things can make a big difference!

Does anyone else have some simple weaving aids they'd be willing to share? 

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