Warping a Countermarch Loom from Back to Front

I recently had the opportunity to re-assemble my Glimakra countermarch loom and begin weaving on it again. Although I'd written a series of blog posts about its warping process years ago, I discovered that I wished I'd documented the process better. I'd made some good notes and observations, but I needed a better refresher course than what I had. So I wrote a more detailed series in six steps, as a tutorial to myself for whatever I need to review later. This index page links to all of those steps.

Step 1: Measuring the Warp

Step 2: Loading the Raddle

Step 3: Winding on the Warp

Step 4: Threading, Sleying, Lashing On

Step 5: Tying Up the Lamms & Treadles

Step 6: Checking the Shed, Weaving a Header

© Leigh's Fiber Journal

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