Wednesday, June 05, 2024

New Project For the Table Loom

Now that I have a project in progress on the big loom, I've started planning something for my table loom. I have a mental list of utilitarian projects for the big loom, such as rugs for my new loom room and draperies for the dining room. Being large projects, they will take more time, so the table loom will give me the opportunity to play, explore, and experiment to my heart's content on a smaller scale. 

Speaking of hearts, my inspiration for this project is a really cute draft I found the on Pinterest.

For yarn choices, I decided to work with warm colors, which are rarely a first choice for me. But I liked my cottage windows table runner so well, with it's rare-for-me color choices, that I trying it again.

The natural will be the background, the colors will be the hearts.

Being 10/2s, the hearts motifs will be small, and will make a nice hand towel with pretty stripes. 

I'm working up the measurements as we speak, and will soon be able to start measuring the warp. 

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Valerie said...

Hmmm....there are some pretty long floats when using the first and last treadles.

I've always liked this draft of Susan Harvey's

or this one by Robyn Spady on

Leigh said...

Valerie, thanks! Those are really nice too. I'll have to see what a sample shows me and go from there. I've collected several hearts drafts, so it looks like I should audition some of them.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

That looks like a lovely pattern Leigh! I will be excited to see how it turns out.

Leigh said...

TB, I think so too. I think I'm going to start with a sample, to see how it looks in real life.

Meg said...

Cute! I love the colors.