Saturday, June 29, 2024

Evolving Pumpkin Heads With Heavier Yarn: Weaving

Well, well, well. After my disappointing first samples in 10/2 yarn, I started a second set of samples using the same draft with a heavier, fingering weight knitting yarn. Just to see what would happen. I fully expected to see the pumpkin heads appear. But look at this . . .

I see the chain of hearts! Flattened hearts, to be sure, but it's exciting to use the same pattern with different yarns and have different results. 

Next, to see if I can elongate them a bit.


Meg said...

"Well, well, well," is right. This is very curious.

Michelle said...

LOVE THIS! So much nicer than aliens. 💕

Leigh said...

I know! I'm working on improving the heart shape, and actually, I really like the knitting yarns. Not only for the hearts, but I like the texture I'm now seeing in the solid stripes. That wasn't evident with the finer cotton yarn. The fluffier yarn brings the texture out.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

The color selection seems to make it very bold as well.

Leigh said...

TB, yes, good contrast between background and pattern really helps. I find that the darker colors help with this, whereas white tends to lighten the entire effect. It's all personal preference, of course, but I do tend to prefer the darker and bolder colors.