Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Evolving Pumpkin Heads With Heavier Yarn: Planning

"Evolving Pumpkin Heads." Sounds like the name of a rock band, doesn't it? Anyway, in the comments of my Following Ideas post, we discussed some of the things that can effect how a draft weaves up: loom, tension, weaver, yarn, etc. So before I removed the warp thrums of my last set of samples, I wanted to experiment with a different, heavier yarn. Just to see what would happen. 

I dug around in my sock yarn tote and came up with these . . .

Fingering weight knitting yarns

They are all odds and ends that I've picked up over the years. I think they'll do for an experiment. I'm pretty sure they're all synthetics. Because they had no labels, I needed to figure out about sett. Wraps per inched turned out to be 18-20, which classifies them as fingering weight yarns. From my WPI, I calculated 80% (for twill) to be 14 - 16. I chose the sett that matched one of my reeds

Planning particulars
  • Original yarns and sett: 10/2 cotton at 30 e.p.i.
  • Yarn for this set of samples: project remnants of synthetic fingering weight knitting yarns
  • Sett: 16 e.p.i. 
  • Drafts (and original samples on loom) are here.
  • Weft will also be fingering weight navy, but from a different skein (as I don't think I have enough left on the ball after measuring the warp.)
This should go more quickly since the larger size yarn requires fewer ends for the same size sample. I'll have to change the reed and re-sley, but tying on will save me from threading the heddles again.

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