Thursday, April 11, 2024

Progress On Setting Up My Glimakra

Thank you to everyone who participated in my survey. I asked this question in a couple of places, and all the answers were interesting and with helpful pros and cons for a variety of floors. My goal, of course, is to finally set up my big floor loom. This project, unfortunately, has required a lot of steps to get to that point.

Since the room I want to use has been a storage room for about a decade, the first step was to go through boxes, sort contents, and decide what to keep and what to let go of. Much of it went into my studio/sewing room, and much of it was purged. Building materials went to Dan's workshop storage area, but we don't have a basement or garage, and our attic is limited as to what it can store (mostly Christmas decorations). So I still have to figure out how to store seasonal things like space heaters, box fans, beekeeping equipment, soap making supplies, archery items, surplus tincture bottles, etc. But the good news is that I finally cleared enough space to set up my loom!

The bad news is that the original hardwood floor is in pretty bad shape. The logical thing to do, of course, would be to put down a new floor. Actually, the logical thing to do would be to finish the room before setting up the loom. Even though it's on the to-do list, it doesn't seem likely it will be the priority in the near future. I'm going to make the best of it anyway!

For the floor, I decided to lay down a large area rug. In fact, I ended up buying a new area rug for the dining room and using the old one in this room. It's not in bad shape, just had the misfortune of first being barfed on by cats, which was cleaned up with a spray-on all-purpose cleaner which bleached it! (The responsible party will remain nameless, other than to say it wasn't me!) So I moved the rug into the room, scrubbed it by hand, and I think it will be fine. 

After the rug was dry, I laid out all the pieces of the loom.

wonky photo taken atop a step ladder

Next, I need to go through the assembly manual and inventory them. Hopefully, nothing is missing! Then I can start putting it all together. 

When I first got the loom, the previous owner passed on an assembly video. I no longer have a VCR player and couldn't find that video on YouTube, so I'll have to make do with written instructions. Hopefully, they're clearly written! 

Wish me luck!

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Michelle said...

Putting a big loom together sounds like a daunting project, but I'll bet you're excited at finally being able to do so!

Leigh said...

Michelle, I am excited! Even though April is prep and planting month, we had a 3-day forecast for rain, so I'm trying to see how far I get while it's rainy. I'd really like to weave some rugs and blankets. I'm also thinking of dining room curtains. All of these need a wider loom than my table loom (which won't get neglected by any means, lol)

Meg said...

I'll grin ear to ear for you while you tackle the written instructions.

Leigh said...

Meg, ha! The written instructions were actually pretty good, until I got to the lamms. The instructions jumped right to tying them up with nothing about how to install them! I finally figured it out on my own and am getting ready to post a photo of the assembled loom. Tying it all up is another matter!