Friday, April 26, 2024

Crackle Sampler in the Italian Manner: Planning

The plan is to tie a new warp onto the previous warp on my table loom and use the cottage windows threading from my table runner for a sampler (dishtowel?) in an alternate variation of the pattern. 

The pattern is from Practical Weaving Suggestions, Vol. V, No. 2. Click to enlarge

The treadling will be in the Italian Manner, which I think I've figured out (in this blog post here.)

Before I can get started, however, I had to make some decisions. 
  • Yarn size: 10/2s, since it's already on the loom and I'll be tying this on as the new warp. 
  • Width: I started off thinking of this as a dishtowel because dishtowels are a great sampler size. So I'm planning accordingly. The table runner had five warp sections and ended up being 18.5 inches wide. This is wider than my other dishtowels, but I calculated that four warp sections would be about right.
  • Length: dishtowel length. It's a sampler, so size is arbitrary. But I'm hoping to get all of my t-shirt yarn done soon, and am looking forward to starting on my bathroom rag rug
  • Colors: I really had fun experimenting with my table runner. I liked having each warp section a different color, while alternating different color wefts. I'll do something similar here, using dark colors for the warp and lighter colors for the weft. This worked really well with the window motif. The difference is, I won't rotate the weft colors in each weft section.
So, I just got my warp measured . . .

And here are my proposed weft colors . . .

Turquoise & light blue for background weft
Golden yellow for pattern weft

I confess I'm a little doubtful about that yellow, especially against the brown. It's so not me. But I might as well be brave and give it a go. Who knows? I may even like it. 

Next step, getting the warp on the loom, assuming I don't change my mind about those colors.

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