Thursday, February 22, 2024


At least that's what it feels like, an intermission from weaving. The ideas and motivation are strong, but circumstances dictate that other projects require their fair share of attention. 

The priority project has been the installation of a door to the greenhouse. 

This ultimately meant that I had to clear everything out of this corner of the room, including my table loom and its table.

As you can see, the room's walls still have to be finished, but I don't know when the plan is to do that, so I feel somewhat in limbo about setting up again. You can see more photos and read about the details at this post on my homestead blog. I did manage to weave my Su-chan cap, but my alternative set-up lacks good lighting, which I didn't enjoy.

My time has not been unproductive fiberwise, however. I'm still working on mending, and I've been able to work on one of my winter project goals of clearing out and cleaning our front bedroom. Not having a garage or basement, we've used that room for storage as we've remodeled and upgraded our old house. The motivator for this cleaning project is making room to set up my Glimakra.

I made a lot of progress on this room after Dan finished my studio, and I was able to move most of my equipment and supplies out. Then Dan moved all of his tools and building materials to the workshop, which gave me a glimpse of making the room usable again. As you can see, the walls need to be finished here as well (from replacing the large old windows with smaller energy efficient ones), but the loom will be more in the center of the room, so it shouldn't impede that project. If we ever get to it!

Intermission © February 2024


Michelle said...

I can see a light shining at the end of the tunnel! Your recent revival of your fiber blog delighted me, but even more exciting is the prospect of you returning more fully to your creating/crafting life.

Leigh said...

Michelle, thank you so much for that. I knew I'd always return to it someday, I just had to get all the writing out of me. :)

Meg said...

I can't imagine working on a house, let alone working on it while living in it. These days I even get cross when tradies, (that's what they are called here,) come on the appointed time to do what I requested. On the other hand it looks like you have a lot of room and fiber-related projects to tackle, so there's that. (Now contemplating tidying my tiny, single-bedroom stash space, which I have postponed for several years now. It's so tiny, I need an impending project to tidy to accommodate whatever that project requires. Or, I'll just work towards reducing my stash some more.)

Cheers to the completion of the second hat. Hurray!

Leigh said...

Meg, thank you! I think our stashes are always a work in progress, lol.

Working on, while living in, our house has been an interesting experience, to say the least. Actually, I'm surprised I've been patient with it for as long as I have. :)