Sunday, February 11, 2024

Su-chan Cap in Wool: Weaving

Warp is commercial Shetland, weft is handspun North Ronaldsay.

After a bout of lovely weather (meaning more time outside and less time at the loom), rain has blown in and I'm able to make some progress on the fabric for my Saori Su-chan cap. Warping was slower than usual because the wool warp is a little sticky (fuzzy) to work with, so I had to take care in threading the loom and winding on. Being a short length, I didn't spray it with anything to make it behave. I just kept combing carefully with my fingers and it seems to be working out okay.

Saori weaving is often described as free-form weaving, which is a new concept for me. While I've chosen specific yarns for warp and weft, which color to use is just according to what I want to use next, rather than following a draft. It's really nice not to have to keep track of where I am in a pattern. I just choose by color and weave until I want to change color.

I like the plaid effect and it should weave up quickly (i.e. more rain today).

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