Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"Things I Want To Keep Track Of"

Since returning to this blog after a number of years, I've been amazed at what I'm discovering. Because I use this blog as a journal, I find I have a lot of informative posts on things I've studied and what I've experimented with. It's information I want to refer to, but as is the way of the internet, good information gets pushed to the background by new material, until it's either lost or forgotten. For example, my crackle study series. I find myself referring to these posts every time I weave crackle. But now, I have to dig around to find them. I have to hunt through the months and years of my blog archive. Using labels helps, but sometimes it means a lot of posts to scroll through. My "Related Posts" at the end of most blog posts helps too, as long as I get them all updated (which doesn't always happen). 

I've been thinking about a way to organize information, so that I can find it again more easily. What I've come up with is to make a link list in my sidebar. To start, I'm calling it "Things I Want To Keep Track Of," and I've made a beginning. I've created some index pages for this link list which list the links to the relevant blog posts, maybe with an introduction, a photo, and a few notes. 

I'm still going through and organizing posts, so this is a work in progress. Hopefully, it will be an ongoing work in progress. I hope I'm always studying something new and adding to this list for years to come.


Meg said...

I was just looking for an old post in my own blog this afternoon with something specific I wrote years ago and gave up. I'm all over, as my blog is more therapy writing/diary, not cogent information as with your posts. So hats off to you for these new links! Well done.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Leigh, I have tried to organize things by "Pages" in Blogger, grouping all things of a similar nature together. That works well for trips and things like fiction; I struggle to make better categories for the others.

Leigh said...

Meg, thanks! Trying to keep track of stuff on the internet is a real challenge. Hopefully, this will work.

TB, I've used your links and found them helpful. Like when I get behind on reading your The Collapse series, or now your series on Turkey. So, they are helpful.

I feel like I've made a good start, but anything beyond basic organization will likely be more difficult.