Saturday, September 07, 2024

Bathroom Rag Rug: Off the Loom & Now to Decide

Fresh off the loom.

When I realized that the thickness of my rag weft was going to mean that my length calculations were off, I resigned myself to the idea of not liking the final product and needing to weave another. 

Last night I wove it out as far as my weft would let me go, finished the hemstitching, and laid it out on my studio floor to stare at it for awhile so I can decide what I think. It's definitely not what I planned, so I'm surprised that I kind of like it.

Off-the-loom measurements are 48 inches by 20.25 inches. The fabric is somewhat loose, so the first thing I need to do is give it a good washing and drying. That will shrink it a bit, and give me a better idea of its usefulness as a little bathroom throw rug. It's a small bathroom, so the dimensions will certainly work. 

If that's satisfactory, I need to decide on the beginning and ending brown border stripes. I eeked out as much at the end as I could, but the warp was advanced as far as she was going to go, so I only got two picks in. The beginning brown border stripe is eight. It would be logical to reduce the wider stripe to two, which would mean I'd have to somehow hemstitch it off the loom! 

Weaving another and using this one as a learning sample isn't off the table. I like the pattern and would like to experiment more with block size and color. But I've also got a lot of other ideas floating around in my head, so if my proposed ministrations work, I may just call this project done. 


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Leigh, I think it is rather striking. The end notes surrounding the two center block colours is quite pleasing.

Leigh said...

TB, thank you! I'm surprised that I find it pleasing as well. I never would have designed it this way myself, so it's an "accident" that turned out very well.

Meg said...

Well done, you! I can see so much scope for development if you so choose. Shapes, sizes, weft-dominant vs warp-, colors - it's another one of those endless possibility things. :-D

Leigh said...

Meg, yes, there are so many possibilities to explore, and the more I study it, the more ideas come to mind. The structure is crackle, which has been my weaving study focus this year, and which continues to intrigue me. I especially like this particular pattern and have several questions I want to experiment with. So many ideas, not enough time!