Wednesday, September 18, 2024

MMA Series II, No. 4 (AKA Bathroom Rag Rug) Take 2

The title is referring to Mary Meigs Atwater's Recipe Book, from which I adapted the draft for my bathroom rag rug. The rug didn't turn out like I hoped (those problems here ➞ Bathroom Rag Rug: Takeaways), but I think I figured some things out and want a small project to explore them on. 

I got an idea for that project when I plopped the failed rug onto my table loom stool, it occurred to me that I have been wanting a cushion for this stool.

A tie-on chair cushion doesn't fit and doesn't stay. Then I recalled a textiles merit badge over at for adding a permanent upholstery cushion to a chair or stool. That would be an excellent project for testing out my takeaways for this weaving pattern with my t-shirt yarn. I'd learn something about upholstering too.

Of the t-shirt yarn, I still have plenty in brown, so there's my pattern weft. To coordinate with my studio colors, I'll use neutral for the warp, and gray for the tabby weft.

I'll do my warp calculations for a different sett. The rug warp was set at 10 ends per inch, but I thought a denser fabric would work better for the purpose. This time, I'm going to try 12 EPI.

So, that's the plan.

Related post

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