Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Taking My Ashford for a Spin

My Ashford Tradtional is my first spinning wheel. No wait. Actually, my first spinning wheel was a Babe Production Wheel. This is an inexpensive PVC spinning wheel, which was all I could afford at the time. That link will take you to its maker's website. I got a lot of friendly teasing about it at spinning group, but I didn't care. I had a wheel and I was spinning! Later, I took it to spinning demonstrations. I put a length of commercial acrylic yarn on the bobbin and invited interested folk to give it a try. It was a great teaching tool.

Anyway, the Ashford was my first "real" spinning wheel, although later on I mostly used my Kromski Minstrel because its slightly more portable. When Goatldi sent me that lovely Shetland roving . . .

. . . I looked first to my Kromski, but all it's bobbins are full (of ancient singles, which I wasn't ready to deal with). So, I dug around in my spinning equipment drawer and found some empty bobbins for the Ashford. I got it out, dusted it off, and did a quick review on its maintenance. I had to replace the drive band and give it a good oiling, but other than that, it was ready to go!

After a little practice treadling, I secured some of the roving to the leader and cautiously began to spin. I was pleased that my hands remembered what to do. I had forgotten how much I love this. 

Practice is still in order, but with a nudge from Goatldi, I'm spinning again!

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Valerie said...

Welcome home! ;)

Spinning is such a quiet, meditative act.

Leigh said...

Valerie, it is indeed. Feels great!

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

After seeing the loom, I feel this is much more my speed.

Goatldi said...

Well imagine that! You were to kind about my gentle nudge my foot. There were times I thought I had lost my enabler badge. I am so delighted that you are back in the saddle again. The spinning part is especially cathartic :-)

Maybe we could form an online spinning group. I so miss being with my people. Well done!

Leigh said...

Meg, thanks! I'm only amazed it took me so long. :)

TB, this was my gateway. But then, one ends up with all that yarn . . .

Actually, Dan was the one who decided I needed a loom! It wasn't the one I'm currently wrestling to get warped, but things just kept growing from there.

Goatldi! I wonder how we could set up an online spinning group. I've moved too, away from the group I mention above. It's such a nice communal activity.