Thursday, April 13, 2006


By Leigh

Blogs have been rather slow to come into my awareness. I do spend a lot of time on the computer, but have limited my activities to email, fiber and textile email lists, web design, and of course a few favorite computer games. Then a spinning friend, Carol, sent me a link to her friend Valerie's blog and I was intrigued. I started to occasionally visit other blogs, but rarely found my way back.

It was M's blog that got me thinking, "I wonder if I'd like to do that too, to keep some sort of record of my fiber activities." However, I couldn't analyze the idea to the point where it made sense to have a blog: for what purpose, what would I say, who in the world would be interested, and what do I have to share that someone else couldn't do better?

I'm hardly a teacher. In fact I'm more the "professional student" type; after all, a learner can readily be excused for errors and imperfections, can't she?

However, it was Peg who suggested to me that a blog might be useful as a diary of my fiber and textile explorations. I had been lamenting the inconsistencies of my weaving education and had finally decided to go back through Deborah Chandler's Learning to Weave from the beginning and focus on the things I had missed. A blog seemed a perfect way to record this.

So ready or not (mostly not), here I go ablogging.

Posted 13 April 2006 at

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