After I made the mental adjustment of not being able to go, I decided to spend the day doing what I had planned to do anyway, spin. Of the two rovings I painted on Wednesday, I chose the Texel.
Texel is a breed I haven't spun before. It's fibers are about 5 to 6 inches long and it is wonderfully smooth and silky to spin. It has a nice luster. Here is the fruit if yesterday's labors.

This is about half of it. It measures 16 WPI unwashed. Bettina asked if I have plans for it yet and I have to say no, not yet. I think it will depend upon how many yards I end up with. Ordinarily I am a project person rather than a sampler, so I usually do have plans for what I spin. Right now I'm just enjoying the color and will wait to see what inspiration presents itself. It will be fun to think about while I spin the rest.
Related Posts:
A Day For Painting Roving - how I painted the roving
Painted Roving Yarn Swatches - how it looks in knitted swatches
© 2007 Leigh's Fiber Journal
Related Posts:
A Day For Painting Roving - how I painted the roving
Painted Roving Yarn Swatches - how it looks in knitted swatches
Well, I suppose the old saying applies here..."The best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray." Sorry to hear of the car troubles, but still, quite a nice day's work, I'd say. Very lovely!
argh, Leigh - sorry that your plan didn't work out:( but - your yarn looks great, nice colour and it looks perfect for knitting! somehow I have spun so much silk, ramie and longwools lately, that I feel I should get some other stuff on the wheel very soon! which is great as I just finished a bobbin with alpaca - both bobbins free = that hasn't happen in a long while now! perfect opportunity, I'd say....
The yarn is lovely, but so sorry you didn't have the chance to share time with your spinning "mates".
It always surprises me how the yarn color is always so much more intense than the color of the roving. I do like that yarn color!
Wow Leigh, another beautiful skein. Who knew it would spin up like this. Lovely.
Sorry your car got in the way of your plans... but your yarn is just gorgeous! When you paint the roving do you have any sense of how it's going to turn out once spun? I was imagining something more like variegated yarn, but this is sort of tweedy - I love it!
Oh, that is so pretty - but how disappointing to have your day ruined by the auto. I would have probably come home and gone back to bed and not gotten a thing done-
BTW - I actually have colored my hair since I was in my 20's - the trick now is to go on the lighter side so the roots don't show as much...
I hope I didn't get you in trouble with Rascal & CZ about the fountain - they'll want one on the deck now, won't they :-) Happy Mother's Day from Neelix & Sinda - T.
Nice colors - you made good use of your time. I never know what to do with the synthetics since they tend to lack crimp and make up for it in drape. I need a lesson in designing for drape. I think I've got crimp down.
Very pretty colors! I've got a whole fleece I need to do something with - maybe I'll get some dyes and try dying some before I spin it.
Sorry to hear about your car woes - hope it wasn't an expensive repair.
Going to a Spinning Retreat this weekend! Yippee!!
Well, Leigh...I'll bet Rascal and CZ are glad to have spent Mother's Day with you! Come to think of it...maybe that was THE PLAN all along. You know how these cats can be.
And even though you didn't get the trip in, you've got some great yarn out of it anyway. :)
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