I haven't mentioned the lap robe lately, for a couple of reasons. One is that weaving has been off-again-on-again due to a messy, dusty building/renovation project. I've had the loom covered with bedsheets much of the time to protect it from the dust. Unfortunately, I lost momentum.
The other problem was that, as much as I love the colors, this just hasn't been all that interesting to weave. I definitely like the pattern, but it's been repetitious (60 inches worth) and, even all the color, wasn't able to hold my interest. It was duty weaving (and why I'd never make a good production weaver.) Still, it's off the loom and ready for the next steps.
I've got fringe to finish twisting and ends to weave in. After that, it's ready to send off to its recipient.
Looks BEAUTIFUL! Funny; from your posts on crackle, it is clear that you like studying structure. Me, I like the repetition of a single pattern; weaving my simple rugs is like meditation.
Thanks Michelle! Yes, I find exploring structure intellectually stimulating, especially in regards to how it effects color. I do appreciate what you're saying though. It is more meditative to weave (or knit) a repetitive pattern. These are also nice for listening to audiobooks!
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