Saturday, July 29, 2023

Studio Progress

I feel like I'm finally in the home stretch of getting my boxes unpacked and my studio organized. It could probably be asked why I've been dabbling in tablet weaving when the studio still isn't done. My only defense is that it's been a slow process to figure out where to put everything. I'm slow to think things through and often find myself testing trial arrangements to see how I like it. If I'm not happy with them, then I try something else. My goal is to have everything organized and accessible.  

Then, getting the table loom meant that I now wanted my weaving yarns sorted and handy instead of in random boxes. But that meant I had to find someplace to put my books, and the original small bookshelf was inadequate. It finally occurred to me to drag out the tall bookshelves still in storage. I painted them and they have become the home for all my books and workshop notebooks. 

The other bookshelf (on the left in the above photo) is becoming a home for my cotton weaving yarns. Sorting these has been a slow go because many of the cones aren't labeled. So I'm having to figure out sizes and fiber content. That's taking time as well.

Slowly, I'm finding homes for everything (I think). Like my warping board. 

I have no wall space to hang it permanently, but it's out of the way on ceiling hooks and easy to get down when I need it. So, progress is slow but steady.

I've set myself a deadline of two more weeks to finish up. That should be plenty of time to shelve the yarn, and I'm thinking I can use the empty totes to organize spinning fibers. With the yarns out of the closet, I can store my fibers there. Hopefully, in mid-August I can do my studio grand reveal.

Studio Progress © July 2023

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Michelle said...

I'm excited by the revival your 'fiber journal,' as it was the original reason I started following you!

Leigh said...

Michelle! Finding your comment this morning made me incredibly happy. :) I'm also happy to be getting back to my fiber pursuits. Finally carving out a space for a fiber and textile workshop is super motivating.