Thursday, October 14, 2010

I've Actually Finished Something

Can you believe it? I've actually finished something. Is anyone going to faint from the shear amazement of it all?

This is a knitted afghan for the Linus Project, a failed stash reduction attempt, but a nice way to keep my finger in the creative pie. I started it last March, set it aside during the hot summer months, and was motivated to get it done before our October Guild meeting. Project Linus is my Guild's community service project, and is dear to the heart of several members.

It is knit in garter stitch, from side to side, changing colors rather randomly. This enabled me to just leave the ends dangling at the ends of the rows, and later come back and use them as part of the fringe.

I later found out that Project Linus really doesn't care for fringe as a finished edge, so I cut the fringes really short, in hopes it would be okay. If I'd had to otherwise finish the edge, it still wouldn't be done!

Hopefully things will settle down around here this winter and I'll have more time for knitting and weaving. Thanks to everyone who visits in spite of my sorry blog content. It's part of what keeps me going.

I've Actually Finished Something photos and text are © 14 October 2010 by Leigh at Leigh's Fiber Journal.


Woolly Bits said...

assuming that you were born with only two hands - I am amazed that you actually manage to finish something textile, while working so much in the garden and house! someone is going to be happy and warm because of your blanket!

Sara said...

That is really cute...and I am sure that some child will love it and be very warm!

Peg in South Carolina said...

Congratulations! Now, off to the loom?

Leigh said...

Bettina, I need something to do in the evenings! Lately I confess this has amounted to shelling beans. :)

Sara thanks. I hope so!

Peg, that's another hope so! I have ideas percolating....

bspinner said...

As busy as you've been I am amazed you found the time to knit. Congratulatons!!! I'm happy for you. Now maybe you'll find the time this winter to do some weaving.

Sharon said...

I've seen that same thing done as a scarf. Too bad they didn't appreciate your fringe. Things have to settle down - nothing will ever be as desperate as when you moved in. You are so very close to being just home, your dream.

Leigh said...

Barb, isn't that why they invented dark? So we have to stay inside and knit :) I'm hoping for some weaving time this winter too, especially with my son & DIL expecting their first baby! I'd love to try the name drafting I learned for some baby blankets

Sharon, I understand about the fringe because the smaller blankets are used for babies and it's the everything goes into the mouth thing. Lately I've been shelling beans in the evening. Not as much fun as knitting.