Friday, January 31, 2025

Pine Tree & Snowflake Crackle Bookmarks

I had a yard-long warp and managed to weave three pine tree and snowball snowflake bookmarks. Atwater and Snyder called them snowballs, but I changed the name to snowflake because, as you can see, mine aren't solid like their diagrams. 

Fresh off the loom in the order woven (left to right). The middle bookmark is backside up.


  • Pattern: Mary Snyder, The Crackle Weave (1961 edition) page 24, which was based on Mary Meigs Atwater's The Recipe Book Series I, Recipe No. 12.
  • Structure: 4-shaft crackle weave
  • Yarns (all cotton):
    • Warp: 20/2 cotton warp in light blue
    • Tabby weft: same as warp
    • Pattern weft: 
      • for the two on the left I used 6/2 in dark green and white
      • 10/2 for the one on the right I used 10/2 in medium green and natural
  • Warp ends: 100
  • Sett: 44 e.p.i.
  • Sley: 3-4-4 in a 12-dent reed
  • Threading: 
  • Treadling: ad lib

Notes and Observations
  • There wasn't a treadling draft so I experimented.
  • I also experimented with yarn weights and colors.
  • Of the pattern yarns, I like the heavier 6/2 better.
    • It made a firmer fabric, which would be more suitable for a table runner.
    • It made the pattern stand out more
  • I had a couple of warp yarn breakages, some of which I didn't fix because the sett crams the heddles so close together, making it difficult to rethread them. 
This was a good project and I gleaned good information for a possible future table runner in an adaptation of Atwater's coverlet pattern.

Pine Tree & Snowball Bookmarks: Planning


Michelle said...

I like the back side best!

Leigh said...

It's pretty neat, isn't it Michelle :) I kinda like it best too!