Well, I got my setback sorted out. Turns out I needed to add 13 more warp ends to complete the threading pattern. Rather than unwind the warp and start over, just rethreaded the heddles from where the mistake was, and then weighted the additional warp bout in back.
Then I tested out the sheds to make sure the pattern was symmetrical and now I've got it.
Liftplan from the bottom:
1. Shafts 3-42. Shafts 1-33. Shafts 1-24. Shafts 2-3
Last time, I mentioned that there are no treadling instructions for the bookmark, so this gave me an idea of which sheds I need for the pine trees and snowballs. It appears that I'll only need sheds 3 (shafts 1-2) and 4 (shafts 2-3) for these, and shed 1 (shafts 3-4) for the squares between the motifs on the selvedges.
I'm referring to sheds rather than treadles because this is a direct-tie table loom that requires a liftplan instead of a treadle tie-up. It I did have treadles to tie up, the numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) would refer to the treadles.
Now I can get started on weaving some bookmarks.
I like the pattern and weight innovation Leigh!
Thanks TB! I'm still experimenting with the amount of weight. If it isn't just right the pattern rises or sags. Even tension across the warp is what it wants.
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