Wednesday, February 28, 2007

First Rare Breed Sweater Sleeve

The past several days have been busy with family doings and little time for computer. However, I did get some knitting done.........

1st sleeve to Leigh's Rare Breed Sweater.Ta-Da! I have finished the first sleeve for my Rare Breed Sweater!

Sleeves always make me a little nervous as they often end up a tad off. So far all seems to be going well. It wasn't as quick to knit as I'd hoped as I had to unknit a few times. I'm not convinced I'll have it done in time to wear this winter, but at least it won't be my longest sweater on record (2 years.)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

A two year sweater is better than a pair of two year mitts. Good luck finishing it before the spring springs.